A7Soft xml2csv
A7Soft xml2csv is a command line tool for converting XML to CSV. A tool for developers working with Excel who need back-office batch conversion from XML to CSV.To extract any data from XML structures you just have to specify aliases in the fields file.
Each alias contains the full name of the element or the attribute to be extracted. The full name of the element contains names of all ancestors beginning with the name of the root element.
xml2csv <xml-file> <csv-file> <fields|fields-file> [-A|-E] [-Q] [-D=char] [-X] [-N] [-S] [-F]
Where: xml-file - The source xml file to be converted
csv-file - The target csv file to be created
fields - String containing names of elements or attributes separated by comma
or by character you specified in the -S argument
fields-file - The text file containing names of elements or attributes separated by comma
or by character you specified in the -S argument
-A - Option to convert only xml attributes to csv values
-E - Option to convert only xml elements to csv values
(defaults: xml2csv converts both elements and attributes)
-Q - Option to enclose csv values by quote
-D - A character to separate csv fields (defaults:comma[,])
-X - Option to append CSV values to existing file
(defaults: xml2csv overwrites existing file)
-N - Disable namespace processing. (defaults:ON)
-S - Disable schema processing. (defaults:ON)
-F - Enable full schema constraint checking processing (defaults:OFF)
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this file converter software.