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- Publisher:
www.softspecialists.com - File Size: 41.77 KB
- Date: Jul 23, 2010
- License: Freeware
- Category:
DVD/CD AutoRun
Video & DVD
Create in a few minutes a CD autoplayer program. With AUTORUN you can create in a few minutes and autoplayer CD program. The main window is fully configurable by external .INI file. The program can handle up to ten buttons on the main window, load one bitmap and play one file .WAV.
You can also spawns more applications as parallel processes before the main window creation.
With the command line parametres is possible to specify a custom configuration file name and switch the language to italian or english.
Autorun in fact suppor both the italian and the english language also at the sections and keys level in the configuration file.
Commad line parameters
/L:xx Set the application's language. where xx can be: IT for select the italian language EN for select the english language
Default: if the program autodetect that windows support the italian laguage it select the italian languge otherwise select the english language.
/F:file Specify a custom file name instead of the default one (AUTORUN.INF). file can have a full path specification.
/? Shows a short help text on command line parameters.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this dvd/cd autorun software.