Active Directory Telephone Book

  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.1
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 3.43 MB
  • Date: Jul 24, 2011
  • Price: $300.00
  • License: Free Trial Software
  • Category:
    Server Utility
Active Directory Telephone Book Download
Free Download Active Directory Telephone Book 1.1

Active Directory Telephone Book is a compact and smart tool to find persons in your organization. It enables you to search on any available field and even find names phonetic. The first time you start ADTB it need to read data form your organization's Active Directory. Depending of the size of you're Active Directory this can take a few minutes. ADTB then encrypts and compacts the items found and stores them locally, so the second time you start ADTB it will start-up very fast with cached information.

ADTB comes with a configuration program which allows you to create a configuration file named: 'adtb.cfg' If this file is located in the same folder as the adtb.exe start up .exe, ADTB automatically picks up the new and custom configuration.

Active Directory Telephone Book is a compact and smart tool to find persons in your organization. It enables you to search on any available field and even find names phonetic. The first time you start ADTB it need to read data form your organization's Active Directory. Depending of the size of you're Active Directory this can take a few minutes. ADTB then encrypts and compacts the items found and stores them locally, so the second time you start ADTB it will start-up very fast with cached information.

1 the search bar
In the search bar you can start typing the last name of the person you are looking for. But you can also type part of the phone number, location, department, employee number etc. It's also possible to do phonetic searches.

2 the search result list
The search result list displays all items found who match your query. Black listed are exact matches, while gray listed are based on a phonetic match. In this area it's also possible to click with the right mouse button to configure some aspects of

3 the details panel
The details plane shows you detailed information on the user you selected in the search result list. Here you can also click on email addresses to quickly send an email.

* A client in a Microsoft Active Directory domain
* .NET Framework

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $300.00, you can free download and get a free trial.

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