AsterixInspector is a tool to display contents of Asterix data files. Asterix is a binary format for information exchange in aviation. The Asterix standard specification is beeing developed and endorsed by Eurocontrol,
Currently implemented Asterix Categories
1. Cat1 (track UAP only)
2. Cat2
3. Cat4
4. Cat10
5. Cat11
6. Cat34
7. Cat48
8. Cat62
AsterixInspector Features:
1. Block - level decoding of all Asterix Categories
2. Record - and Item-level decoding as far as Category is implemented
3. Handling of standard data field formats: fixed, variable, compound
4. HEX display of input file with selected data element highlighted
5. In depth Data Item view with field annotations.
6. Field specification display on Records
* Qt
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this application software.