
  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.0.3236.28472
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 12.83 MB
  • Date: Jun 24, 2010
  • License: Free
  • Category:
    Network Utility
Aurora Download
Free Download Aurora 1.0.3236.28472

Aurora is an optical network visualization tool capable of visualizing current and future all-optical network architectures. It allows for planning an optical network for a given country based on traffic demands. Various types of performance analysis can be performed on the network topology.

Aurora 2008 includes an easy to use visual network builder and a wide variety of analysis tools, which allows for easy analysis and comparison of different optical network architectures.

1. Building a Network
Unlike many other tools which require users to define network topologies in some command based language, Aurora makes the task of setting up a network a breeze thanks to an innovative "Point-and-Click" approach.

Aurora allows you to auto-assign network elements based on the population distribution of the locations. This can alleviate the process of designing an initial network. Links can be established based on existing topologies or manually assigned

2. Traffic Assignment
Traffic is one of the most important factors which determine the performance of a network. Setting up a traffic matrix for a network can be an intricate task. Aurora features a traffic building utility which assigns traffic for the network based on a gravity model. This generates somewhat realistic traffic for analysis purposes.

3. Analysis
One of the key features of aurora is its ability to visualize data. As a planning tool it allows the user to compare various network configurations and see the impact on various parameters. Aurora allows the user to view lightpath usage, wavelength usage, fiber usage, and node capacity. This allows the user to better analyze the network and choose the best configuration.

4. Network Cost
The cost of the network can be a key feature in determining the network topology. The main concept is to find a topology with maximum utilization and minimal cost. A network should be sufficient enough to satisfy the customer requirements while cheap enough for the network provider to implement it.

Aurora features an intricate costing tool which allows the user to generate a comprehensive network cost report. The cost of the network comprises of the total cost of the network elements present, the lightpath cost and the fiber cost.

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this network utility software.

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