AutoQ3D CAD is an easy to learn 2D / 3D CAD and sketching program. Even if you dont know anything about CAD software, our teaching tools will help you step-by-step along the way. AutoQ3D CAD has everything you need to create rapid 2D and 3D drawings. It has an easy graphical interface that makes it simple for you to create designs with a professional edge.
AutoQ3D CAD Features:
1. Create your drawings with a convenient and intuitive workspace
Easy to Use User Interface
AutoQ3D CAD workspace puts the most popular commands at your fingertips. This helps to make your drawing or design easier and faster. The tools and commands that you will use are arranged in a toolbar and a menu bar across the top and they are available via the command line located at the bottom of workspace.
2. View your drawings in many different ways
Preset Views
When you work in 2D, you're essentially limited to panning and zooming. As you start working in 3D, you need to change the way you look at your 3D drawing. AutoQ3D CAD allows you to view your 3D models using orthogonal and isometric preset viewpoints, along with giving you the ability to adjust the view of a 3D drawing by panning, zooming and rotating a view. You can use preset viewpoints to make navigating your 3D models easier when modeling. AutoQ3D CAD comes with a number preset viewpoints that allow you to navigate around a 3D model. There are a total of seven preset viewpoints: Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Front, Back and Isometric.
3. Create solid models by using 3D primitive geometry
Drawing Toolset
You can create solid models by using 3D primitive geometry such as spheres and boxes. Primitive solids are basic geometric shapes that create 3D models.
4. Draw 3D models using complex solids operations
Modification Toolset
Complex solids are created when you combine or subtract primitive solids from each other or create 3D solids from closed 2D objects. You create complex solids by taking two or more solids and performing a union operation on them to create a single 3D solid.
Trim, Fillet, Offset, Extend, Explode, Slice, Extrude, Revolve are some of the tools to create complex solids.
5. Increase the accuracy of creating and modifying objects in 2D and 3D drawings
Snapping Tools
Object snaps increase the accuracy of creating and modifying objects in 2D and 3D drawings. You can draw to the midpoint or from the endpoint of an object or use any of the other object snaps to snap to points on objects.
6. Organize objects in a grawing with grouping functions
Grouping Functions
Organizing objects by groups allow you to make sure that groups of objects have the same entity properties. Grouping functions are useful to manipulate several objects as one entity simplifying the process of manipulating them..
7. Exchange 3D models in many different format
Import and Export Functions
Creating 3D models is great for showing design concepts as well as detecting any possible issues with a design before a prototype is ever created. However, you must be able to share your designs electronically and in hardcopy formats with others. AutoQ3D CAD allows you to exchange 3D models in many different formats that non-CAD and CAD users can accept.
Import from AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format DXF, 3D Object File Wavefront OBJ, 3D Studio 3DS and more. Export to AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format DXF and 3D Object File Wavefront OBJ.
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $19.97, you can free download and get a free trial.