Create bidirectional reflectance distribution functions with this tool. BRDFLab is a system able to design complex bidirectional reflectance distribution functions. The system handles BRDFs de fined in a variety of forms (analytical models, measured, and simulation data), allowing its display, fitting and rendering.
BRDFLab is a novel system for interactive modeling and designing of arbitrary BRDFs. The system is able to deal with BRDFs defined in a variety of forms, such as analytical models, measured data or data obtained by simulation. The system also allows designing BRDFs from scratch using a combination of different analytical lobes. Using the programmable graphics hardware, it then performs interactive display of the designed BRDF, and its rendering on objects lit by complex illumination. The system also allows the fitting of an input BRDF defined in any form to our analytical lobe combination, so that it can be efficiently evaluated with GPU based rendering. The idea behind this work is to make available a general system for designing, fitting and rendering BRDFs, that is intuitive and interactive in nature. We plan to use this as a tool for simulation and modeling of complex physically-based BRDFs, and thus provide access to a larger variety of material models to the rendering community.
BRDFLab Features:
1. The ability to deal with Analytical, Measured, and Simulated BRDFs.
2. Display the shape of any BRDF as a function of the incident direction.
3. Fit from any BRDF to a combination of Analytical models.
4. Point light rendering of complex objects directly with the measured data, or analytical models.
5. Environment map rendering of complex objects with any Analytical BRDF model.
How to begin:
You can create a new model from scratch, being a parametric, simulated or measured one. Also, you can open previously saved files, which can contain for example a measured data and its fittings performed. This can be seen in the database files (XML),at Data/brdfs/, there you can see a set of materials predefined. Try to open one of this materials, if the system detects that you do not have the required material data, it will be downloaded automatically.
Key functions:
1. After clicking the render windows, the W key sets the wireframe mode, and Q key sets the solid mode.
2. Use the arrows to move the point light, when exists.
Mouse functions:
1. use the right button by move the camera around the object.
2. use the left button or the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
* Nvidia 8000 Series or higher graphics card.
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this application software.