Basic File Modifier
The primary function of Basic File Modifier is to modify the basic properties, which make up any file. Is it the date, the attributes, filename, file extension, or the location.
1. Set and correct date
2. Correct filename
3. Set destination
Other features offered by Basic File Modifier are: Removing of security warnings, correcting file extension, filtering the loaded files or saving the settings as different presets.
Command-Line Parameters
Any file path
One or more paths of images and/or directories that should be loaded. Each must be embraced by double quotes.
Set the specified preset at program start-up. If this isn't set the default will be used. See main window for more information.
Save all settings in the current program directory instead of the recommended "APPDATA" directory. You don't have to use this command multiple times because existent setting files will be detected automatically.
All available commands are: Any file path, "-Console", "-Help", "-Preset=[0-9]", "-IgnoreWarning", "-Portable", "-LicenseAgree" and "-Uninstall".
Use "-Help" to get an overview of what each of these commands does and can be used for.
* Processed files get an Unregistered Version marking
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, you can free download and get a free trial.