BullGuard Uninstall

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  • File Size: 143.32 KB
  • Date: May 28, 2010
  • License: Freeware
  • Category:
    Windows Utilities
BullGuard Uninstall Download
Free Download BullGuard Uninstall

Use this tool if you wish to uninstall BullGuard. Should you for some reason wish to uninstall BullGuard, here are detailed instructions on how to do his. You have two distinct ways to uninstall

A: The easiest way to uninstall BullGuard is to use the uninstall procedure it comes with.
Step 1. Close BullGuard by right-clicking the BullGuard icon in your System Tray (bottom-right corner, near the clock) and choosing the Close option.
Step 2. Go to the Start menu and locate your BullGuard folder in the All Programs section. Choose the Uninstall option:
Step 3. Confirm that you want to remove BullGuard and follow the instructions on screen, BullGuard will now uninstall. When it's done, please restart your computer.

Alternatively, use the standard Windows Add/Remove Programs feature from Control Panel.

Step 1. Close BullGuard by right-clicking the BullGuard icon in your System Tray (bottom-right corner, near the clock) and choose Close.
Step 2. Go to the Windows Start menu (bottom-left corner) and locate the Control Panel. The look and position of this may vary, depending on your Windows version. Then choose Add/Remove Programs.
Step 3. Locate "BullGuard" in the list that appears next and choose Remove:
Step 4. Confirm that you want to remove BullGuard from your computer, BullGuard will now uninstall. When it's done, please restart your computer.

B. Alternatively, please follow the solution below:
Step 1. to download the this Uninstall tool on your desktop.
Step 2. Right-click on the archive and unzip its content on your computer.
Step 3. Double-click on the extracted file to run it.
Step 4. Restart the computer

* BullGuard

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this uninstaller software.

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