CD Bremse

  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.49
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 795.4 KB
  • Date: Mar 18, 2009
  • License: Freeware
  • Category:
    CD Utility
    Windows Utilities
CD Bremse Download
Free Download CD Bremse 1.49

CD Bremse is a very useful utility to set timeouts or limit the CD-ROM maximum reading speed avoiding any noise while a program tries to use it at a very high speed.

CD Bremse is for you if you use your CD drive as a player for MP3 files because it is possible that noise from drive is louder than the music. It is a utility to limit maximum reading speed and to set timeouts for CD-ROM, CD-RW and DVD drives. Moreover, CD Bremse has its own CD database, so you can set a specific speed for each disc in your collection (i.e. maximum speed for CDs with installation packages and limited speed for discs with MP3 files).

Current CD-ROM drives to operate in speed ranges reserved for hard disks were used. Je nach Qualit t von Laufwerksmechanik und verwendeten Medien treten dabei mehr oder weniger starke Vibrationen auf. Gl cklicherweise gibt es in vielen Entwicklungsabteilungen besonnene Ingenieure, die ihren Laufwerken die F higkeit verleihen, auf Wunsch auch mit geringeren Drehzahlen zu arbeiten. Depending on the quality of drive mechanism and media used to come here more or less strong vibrations. Fortunately, there are many development departments thoughtful engineers who work to give her the ability to drive, if desired, with lower speeds. Mit CD Bremse k nnt Ihr diese leiseren Betriebsarten aktivieren. CD Bremse You can enable this quieter operation.

After calling CD Bremse appear above dialog. Umfang und Art der angebotenen Einstellm glichkeiten h ngen von den F higkeiten Eures Laufwerks ab. Extent and nature of the proposed adjustments will depend on the capabilities of your drive.

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this cd utility software.

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