Capivara is a two pane file manager with support for SFTP and FTP servers. Capivara is not an ordinary file manager because it adds synchronization features like comparing timestamps or SHA-1 hash values. The synchronization of Capivara has a preview mode to shows which files are going to be deleted or copied. The basic look and most key bindings are inspired by two file managers I really like to work with: mc and worker.
1. File synchronization
2. Preview mode for synchronization
3. SFTP/FTP support
4. Multi-language support, German, English, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Polish, ...
5. Supports POSIX file permissions on Linux
6. Runs on Windows, Linux, Solaris, Unix, Mac OS X,..
The Java runtime environment is required to run Capivara.
At first make sure you have the Java Runtime environment installed on your system. On Windows, you can just double-click on capivara-<version>-installer.jar and the installation starts. You can also launch the installer from the command line.
Include the java runtime in your search path:
on Unix environments and bash
export PATH=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_03/bin:$PATH
on Windows
set PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0\bin;%PATH%
java -jar <PATH_TO_INSTALLER>/capivara-<version>-installer.jar
If your system does not support desktop icons or program list entries or you didn't choose to install such, start Capivara by executing
java -jar <PATH_TO_CAPIVARA>/capivara.jar
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this file sync software.