Color picker, color scheme generator, color library - all in one. ColorCab will also generate color schemes. With ColorCab, you will also be able to choose your colors directly from a color wheel that includes tints and shades. Additionally, it instantly generates a variety of matching colors including analogus, triad, tetrad.
ColorCab Features:
1. Color picker for the HSB color model, also with RGB and hex values
2. Save your colors and color schemes
3. Includes a large list of predefined colors
4. Copy HSB, RGB, Hex values or CSS color attributes to clipboard
5. Pick colors from pictures
6. Mix colors
7. Fully customizable user interface colors
8. Preserves selected colors and settings between sessions
9. Can be used as a DLL in your own .net applications
* .NET Framework
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this image utility software.