DeskAngel is an enhancement tool for Windows desktop. It is simple, portable and totally free. It contains following features:
1.) Directly scroll the document under cursor, whenever it is actived or not, while rotating the wheel of the mouse.
2.) Maximize and restore window under cursor after click the wheel/middle button of the mouse
3.) Auto scrolling the document with pressing the wheel button down and rotating one step.
4.) Toggle a window topmost after right click its titlebar.
5.) Transform left + right click to alt + right click, to enable the translator feature for Lingoes or Babylon without touching keyboard, etc.
6.) Transparent a window with ctrl+alt+wheel scroll.
7.) Capture a screen range to clipboard or into a file and save the file path to clipboard.
8.) Hide cursor while typing.
9.) Edge snap is like Aero snap of windows 7, which makes windows snapped at the edges of screen.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this shell extension software.