DevProject Manager
DevProject Manager is a portable rich featured project management application for Freeware, Shareware and Open-Source developers.
DevProject Manager allows you to manage general project information, version information, a to-do list and the change-logs for each project. For each project user defined files can be added, such as screenshots, help files and other important files, that can be opened for DevProject Manager. Person information for translators, other programmers, graphic artists and other involved persons can be added. Additionally a customer and license management is included and can be extended with own plug-ins.
Code snippes can be stored in an own section, so you have you important source codes in hierachical form everytime with you. The source codes highlighting supports 13 different programming and scriting languages (Assembler, C#, C++, HTML, Java, JScript, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, SQL, VBScript and Visual Basic).
DevProject Manager is portable and was designed to run on USB devices. Additional no database server like MySQL or MS SQL is needed.
1. Project Information
In addition to general data and files such as screenshots, help files, etc. and persons, such programmers, translators and beta testers will be covered. Furthermore, multiple notes on each project can be saved.
2. Version list
A list of all published versions or with all major version of sections represents a rapid overview of the development of a project.
3. Todo List
In the ToDo list of new features, changes, and bug reports are managed.
4. Automatic creation of changelog
Of the completed entries in the ToDo list, a changelog, are created based on different, customizable templates.
5. People management / address book
Personal data and contact information is managed centrally in a separate list.
6. Customer and License Management
Customer data and licenses can be easily managed. Customers and license management can be supported by plugins ..
7. Managing code templates
In hierarchical form templates can be managed code to frequently used functions or parts of the program have at hand.
8. Integration of plugins
It may already existing plugins or download your own plugins are created to extend the functionality of the program.
DevProject Manager is based more on freeware, shareware or open source developers who can not use a database server to manage the project or would like.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this project management software.