DoubleSnap is a free photo and video sync tool created especially for the amateur photographer in all of us.
How does it work?
1.Place the DoubleSnap program folder in your removable storage
2.Run DoubleSnap executable from your removable storage in any PC
3.Register that PC with our tool and choose folders you want to backup
4.Press on the MultiSnap button. This will backup your folders to the removable storage
5.Plug the removable storage in another PC.
6.Register that PC and also the folders you want to backup
7.Press on MultiSnap button. Folders that were backed up from the first PC will be automatically transferred to the second PC. Folders specified to be backed up in the second PC will be transferred to the thumbdrive, awaiting the next registered PC the removable storage is plugged into in order to do the next transferring. You can now delete the copy of the folder from the first PC in the removable storage so as to free up precious memory space.
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this file sync software.