Dropgallery is the easiest way to sync all of your photos online. Just drop them into Dropgallery and they magically show up in your personal online public or private photo galleries.
DropGallery's client applications quickly install on your computers or mobile devices and sync your photos to your online gallery.
DropGallery is easy. Once you have installed DropGallery on your computer, we do the rest. Use the DropGallery folder like any other folder on your computer. The only difference is any all image files are automatically synced to your DropGallery Online. Any changes you make in this folder are instantly reflected in your online gallery. If you rename a folder, or photo this change is synced to the web where you will immediately see the change. If you delete, move a folder or photo in your DropGallery folder you will see that change as soon as the sync is finished.
Your DropGallery Online is identical to the folder on your computer that you can access from anywhere with an internet connection. You can install DropGallery on as may devices as you wish and they will all be linked to your DropGallery account. The other computers and mobile devices will show up in the navigation bar of your online gallery as devices
DropGallery Windows's client installs on any of your windows devices and creates a DropGallery folder to sync your photos to your online gallery. DropGallery is designed to look and act like a normal folder in your computer.
DropGallery will install itself by default in My Pictures. To locate this folder, simply open My Documents, then My pictures, double click DropGallery. Any photo or folder you move into your DropGallery folder will sync to your online gallery. The simple controls for the program are located on the lower right hand side of your screen in the system tray. Right click on the DropGallery parrot icon in the system tray to access the controls. Get in the habit of storing your photos in your DropGallery folder to ensure they are safe in case your computer is lost, stolen or broken.
Please Note: Dropgallery requires an account. The free account allows up to 2GB of space.
* .NET Framework
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this file sharing software.