FeedRoller is a lightweight RSS and Twitter feed ticker.
It is designed to show scrolling headlines from your favorite news sites, blogs and twitter account, directly on your desktop.
* Supports RSS, Atom and Twitter feed format.
* Shows news title, summary, age and source.
* Customizable interface.
* May be "pinned" to the desktop (always visible) or automatically hide when the computer is in use.
* May be set to automatically hide when in full screen applications (games, movies etc.)
* Customizable keyboard shortcuts to pause the scrolling, pin the ticker, visit the news item and more.
* Can import and export feeds from other feed readers (using OPML).
* Supports subscribing to feeds directly from Firefox.
* Portable.
Getting Started
FeedRoller comes pre-configured with several news feeds.
When you run it for the first time, it will download these RSS feeds and start showing them on your desktop.
* Right click on FeedRoller's system tray icon to access common actions.
* To Pause the ticker, press the Pause key on your keyboard.
* To Pin/Unpin the ticker, press the Scroll Lock key on your keyboard.
* To Visit the displayed item's page, press the Print Screen key on your keyboard.
* To manage your feeds, press F12. Checked feeds are active.
View the Options dialog (F8) and the system tray icon for more shortcut keys and options.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this social networking software.