File Security Manager
Manage file and folder permissions in Windows XP Home like Win XP Pro users. Using this program you can set, edit or remove permissions, view effective permissions, change owner of the files. Program also includes the secure deletion of files and folders - this means that files and folders can be deleted permanently, so they can be recovered. Secure deletion can erase separate files or entire folders and is useful when it is necessary to destroy a file's contents. Main window of the program is the Security Navigator which can be used as a file browser. The Security Navigator is integrated into Windows Shell by default. For permissions management, the program provides the Security Wizard which simplifies your work with permissions and secure deletion. Current File Security Manager version includes attributes manager, shows file system type for user convenience, allows creating new folders, renaming items, viewing file properties and perform all file menegement operations like copy or move.
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $29.95, you can free download and get a free trial.