Forum Poster
This forum administration tool automatically registers a user with the username, e-mail and password you use on the board.
Forum Poster automatically register a user with the username, e-mail and password you typed on the board. It login as the registered user on the board and then post/reply it. All made automatically. With just one click!
Forum Poster support add, edit, delete forums URL, Import and export forum URL list.
The current version can post to
1. phpBB Forum Boards from version 2.0.0 to 2.0.23 (
2. phpBB 3.0.x "Olympus"(
3. Invision Power Board (
4. Snitz Forums 2000 (
5. vBulletin 3 (
6. Simple Machines Forum (
7. WoltLab Burning Board 2.x to 3.x (
8. WowBB (
* Support phpBB2, phpBB3 , Invision Power Board(IBP), Snitz Forums 2000, vBulletin 3, Simple Machines Forum, WoltLab Burning Board, WowBB
* Auto register,login,post/reply message,logout
* Support Image Verification
* Support skip Image Verification forum
* Find open board to post
* Selectable forum boards to post (input board number in field 'ForumID')
* After login and post ,all 'host unreachable','Connection with remote host lost','Host unrechable','404: Document not found','500: CGI script failed','Anti-bot','Register Error','Account need active' forums save to one text file and remove from database.
* You can View process in debug window
* Support proxy server
* Support add,delete,edit forum URL
* Support Import,Export forum list
* Easy to use, just enter your texts and post it
* Support post multi topic in one session
* Your messages can include links,picture.etc(Use BBcode in message,Please see forum help for more information), so your webpage traffic will raise alot [What's BBcode]
* Increase your position in Search Engines which counts on the link popularity to your site (like Google)
* Shutdown PC when jobs done
* Support Unicode and UTF-8 encode.
* Support Reply Thread
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $199.95, you can free download and get a free trial.