GPlates is desktop software for the interactive visualisation of plate-tectonics. It offers a novel combination of interactive plate-tectonic reconstructions, geographic information system (GIS) functionality and raster data visualisation. It enables both the visualisation and the manipulation of plate-tectonic reconstructions and associated data through geological time. GPlates runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS X.
1. loading and saving geological, geographic and tectonic feature data;
2. loading and saving reconstruction poles;
3. displaying raster images;
4. viewing feature data and raster images in a graphical display;
5. calculating and displaying plate-tectonic reconstructions;
6. interacting with features graphically;
7. tabular display of data;
8. modifying reconstructions graphically;
9. interactive plate-boundary closure;
10. a suite of virtual geomagnetic pole tools.
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this presentation software.