
  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.40
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 1.43 MB
  • Date: May 21, 2006
  • Price: $25.00
  • License: Free Trial Software
  • Category:
    Disk Management
    File & Disk
HD-X-Lock Download
Free Download HD-X-Lock 1.40

HD-X-Lock is a complete hard disk security management application. It utilises the rarely heard-of built-in hardware security features of modern IDE/EIDE/Serial ATA hard disks, first introduced in ATA-3 standard, 1995. Today all desktop and notebook hard disk drives implement the security features. HD-X-Lock sends the password entered by the user to the hard disk(s) installed in the computer and locks the drive. When the hard disk is locked, all data and application stored on the hard disk are protected and the disk cannot be used for reading, writing or erasing. Of course, it is not possible to load the operating system from the disk or even to format it. The HD-X-Lock boot device (floppy or CD) is used to unlock the hard disks on every boot. This implements the highest level of security: a combination of hardware device (HD-X-Lock boot device) and user code. These are both required to unlock the hard disk and start the operating system. Unlocking does not mean that the disk is not protected. When the computer is switched off or restarted, the hard disk(s) are automatically locked again. Even if there is a power failure and the computer is stopped, the hard disks are locked automatically preventing other people from stealing the valuable data stored on the hard disk.

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $25.00, you can free download and get a free trial.

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