Human AI Net

  • Rating:
  • Version: 0.6.1
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 3.98 MB
  • Date: Aug 26, 2010
  • License: Free
  • Category:
    Search Tool
    File & Disk
Human AI Net Download
Free Download Human AI Net 0.6.1

Network of Humans and AIs communicate as floating-point arrays (mouse/joystick x y, microphone/speaker amplitude, color) and realtime generated Java code. Subprojects: Audivolv NatLangMouse EvoDataStruct GigaLineCompile JSelfModify Schrouter Lisputer

Most search-engines have you type words and look through a list of Web pages. This is the first 3d search-engine for text and is instead controlled by mouse movements and words appearing, disappearing, and moving in 3d in your web browser, using Javascript and Ajax to get new words while you move the mouse.

Human AI Net Features:
1. Is a Common Lisp (Armed Bear Common Lisp) and Java program, inside 1 Jar file that you double-click to run immediately (no setup or installing), and it puts up a website that you can use at localhost:1234/ or choose your own port number on the command-line. Its a Java/Lisp server that works immediately with a 3d search engine and file server built in to show you how to use it. Type JSelfModify syntax or Lisp into its window.
2. Goal: Combines many people's thoughts at once similar to Star Trek's Borg Collective but with the important difference that it respects freedom and uses noninvasive mind-reading devices (OpenEEG) instead of medical implants
3. Goal: Is a next-generation search-engine for many kinds of things, including Human thoughts, text, pictures, and software behaviors and information patterns. Toward this goal, I created an open-source substitute for Google's patented PageRank algorithm, which is the core of their search engine, but my algorithm is simpler and sometimes faster.
4. Goal: Can think for itself, a new form of life, an Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), because all Friendly AI are an AGI and all AGI are an AI.
5. Goal: global artificial intelligence peer-to-peer (p2p) network

How to use it:
Its 1 file. Its a .jar file, which is similar to .exe files. Double-click that file and it works immediately. No setup or installing. You use it through a web-browser. It will tell you what address to type into your web browser after running that file.

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this search tool software.

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