A Free Experimental System for Image Processing. ImLab is a free open source graphical application for Scientific Image Processing that runs in Windows, Linux and many other UNIX systems. It supports multiple windows, data types including 32 bit integers, 32 bit real numbers and complex numbers. It is implemented in C++ and also in C to provide a very simple way to add new functions. It has many image operations and supports several file formats.
ImLab Great Features:
1. Load and Save IM library image formats:
3. Load and Save multipage formats as TIFF and GIF, or frames as AVI and WMV in Windows.
4. Import and Export RAW data
5. Import and Exports CGM, WMF, EMF
6. Export image as a PostScript file
7. Print support in Windows
8. Processing Log (a simple History)
9. Windows Clipboard Copy and Paste
10. Capture using Direct X in Windows
1. Zoom
2. Additional Bitmap views
3. Histogram
4. Image Matrix
5. Full Screen
6. Real 2 Integer conversions
7. Complex 2 Real conversions
8. Hues palette for viewing angles
9. Mouse coordinates information on the Status Bar
10. Results Matrix
1. Byte, Unsigned Short, Integer, Real and Complex data types
2. XYZ, Lab, YCbCr, CMYK, RGB, Gray Scale, Binary and RGB Palette Indexed color modes
3. Generic Attributes (metadata)
4. Gray images pseudo coloring
5. Undo when operation over the same image window
6. Counter to follow/interrupt long time processing
Processing / Quantize
1. Reduce Grays Uniform and Median Cut
2. RGB to 216 Colors w/wo Dithering
3. RGB to <256 Colors using Median Cut
Processing / Color Components
1. RGB to Gray Scale using Luma and Linear weights
2. Split/Merge RGB
3. Split/Merge HSI
4. Split Chroma/Intensity
5. Plot Yrb Ghroma Gamut
6. Plot HS Gamut
Processing / Statistics
1. Count Colors
2. Image Statistics
3. Histogram Statistics
4. RMS Error, SNR
Processing / Threshold
1. Manual, by Percentage
2. Difusion and Uniform Error
3. by Local Contrast, by Local Max
4. by Difference
5. Otsu, Hysteresis
Processing / Histogram
* Equalization and Expansion
Processing / Render:
1. Constant, Color, Box, Tent, Cone, Wheel, Gaussian, Cosine, Sinc, Ramp
2. Add Uniform/Speckle/Gaussian Noise
Processing / Unary Arithmetic
1. Inverse, Less, Square, Square Root, Exponencial, Logarithm, Sine, Cosine, Abssolute
2. Split/Merge Complex, Conjugate
3. Normalize Complex by Magnitude
Processing / Tone Gamut
1. Normalize, UnNormalize: Convertions (0-1) <-> (0-255)
2. Normalized Power (Gamma), Log and Exp
3. Slice, Expand, Zero Start
4. Tone Crop
5. Brightness and Contrast
Processing / Arithmetic
1. Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Power, Maximum, Minimum, Difference
2. Blend
3. Background Subtraction
4. Mean and StdDev of multiple images
Processing / Logical Arithmetic
1. And, Or, Xor, Not
2. Bit Plane Extract and Reset
Processing / Filter
1. Kernel Convolution
2. Image Convolution
3. Compass
4. Gaussian, Circular Mean
5. Difference of Gaussians
6. Laplacian of Gaussian
7. Sobel, Zero Crossing
8. Canny
Processing / Filter (Rank)
1. Median
2. Closest MinMax, Local Max, Local Min, Range (Max-Min)
Processing / Morphology (Binary)
1. Kernel Convolution
2. Erode, Dilate, Open, Close
3. Outlining, Thining
Processing / Morphology (Gray Scale)
1. Kernel Convolution
2. Erode, Dilate, Open, Close
3. Top Hat, Well, Gradient
Processing / Transform
1. FFT, IFFT,Swap Quadrants
2. Lifted Wavelet
3. Hough Lines and Circles
4. Cross Correlation
5. Auto Correlation
6. Distance Transform, Regional Maximum
Processing / Effects
1. Negative, Solarize
2. Pixelate, Posterize
3. Impressionist Filter
4. Replace RGB, Replace Constant
Processing / Analyze
1. Find Regions
2. Measure Regions: Area, Perimeter, Holes, Centroid, Principal Axis
3. Prune, Fill Holes
4. Plot Chain Code
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this image editing software.