An Easy to Use Image Resizing and Cropping Control. You need to allow users of your desktop app (WinForms) to resize and/or crop large pictures from within your software, perhaps to allow them to upload professional headshots that need to be of a uniform size or type. Installing and/or instructing the user base on using third party software is not an option.
ImageResizer Features:
1. Easy to use interface.
2. Image resizing done in "real time"; no guessing based on percentages.
3. Required image dimensions can be set at design or runtime. Ensures users will load images of the proper size.
4. Supports loading of and saving to BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, and TIF files.
5. Initially resizes image to fit in workspace.
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this image resizer software.