Instant Media
Instant Media (IM) allows you download and view video podcasts on your PC in full screen. It supports a wide variety of media formats, including Internet High Definition for high quality full-screen viewing, as well as QuickTime and Windows Media files. You can choose from a large directory of free podcasts, videocasts, news feeds and other media content that are downloaded to your computer and available whenever you want to watch them. The program works similar to an RSS feed reader, where you can subscribe to feeds or channels and have the program automatically download the newest shows for you. However, unlike common RSS readers, Instant Media is more geared toward the actual media experience, particularly video content. It also includes a basic media library that you can use to add your existing music and video files, as well as RSS feeds. Instant Media is easy to use, just select the shows or audio content that you want to watch, and the program will do the rest.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this video player software.