Issue Tracker Advanced
Issue Tracking Advanced is a Help Desk software system designed for tracking work orders, tasks, defects, bugs and various other issues.
It allows you to manage your customer and project lists, define a scope of work for every project, set start and due date, provide cost estimation, organize issues, tasks, bugs etc into distinct work orders. Workflow process is customised individually for every issue.
Every issue can be assigned to a project member responsible for its implementation. Assigned personnel can receive e-mail notification on added/modified/deleted issue. Pending Issues Reports allows for easily detectable issues pending and to send remind notification to the assigned personnel.
Issue Tracker Advanced Features:
1. Installation is quick and easy.
2. Training employees to use the Issue Tracker software is quick and easy.
3. Ideal for all Businesses and Organisations.
4. Highly configurable and easy to use.
5. Track work orders,tasks,defects, bugs easily without expensive overheads.
6. Automatic calculations.
7. E-mail customers companies direct from software.
8. E-mail assigned workers.
* Microsoft Access 2003 or 2007
* 20 runs trial
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $50.00, you can free download and get a free trial.