MAM Player
Music Animation Machine MIDI Player. Plays MIDI files with displays generated from MIDI data. MAM Player is a MIDI file player that generates various kinds of graphical displays in response to (and in sync with) the MIDI data as it plays. It will also produce these displays in response to live MIDI input.
MAM Player Features:
1. plays MIDI files with displays generated from MIDI data
2. generates displays in real-time from live MIDI input
3. display types: bar-graph, pitch class, interval type, tonality, triads
* does not record MIDI (except in a limited way; cannot save recorded MIDI)
* custom display colors only saved in a proprietary (non-MIDI compatible) file format
* MIDI System Exclusive messages are not handled (or saved to proprietary format)
* file-related operations are poorly implemented (e.g. doesn't prompt for overwrite)
* some UI operations take a long time to complete (e.g. scrolling in long pieces)
* doesn't support borderless full-screen mode (for concert use)
* mouse commands do not auto-repeat
* no MIDI pass-through for live play mode
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this music&mp3 player software.