Manual Shake Smoother
Manual Shake Smoother is a Windows application. It enables you to fix your video files. Its goal is to "fix manual errors manually".
Many (if not most) of videos taken with telephoto lenses and without a tripod are spoiled so much that it is simply impossible to fix them with the fully automated software. Sometimes the object which should be stabilized is in the background, and some annoying objects in the foreground, such as moving cars, people or branches do not allow solving the problem automatically.
So, if you need to fix your valuable home video and you are patient enough to make at least two mouse clicks in each frame, this program is exactly what you need! Download and try the demo version first, and if you like it, buy a license to make it fully functioning.
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $6.95, you can free download and get a free trial.