Mat-MD5 is a free software that allow you to check the MD5 value for each file processed and compare it with other MD5 strings.
It will process one or more file and it will add the result value to a list. You can add your MD5 value to compare by typing it or by copying it from an external file, so you can easly compare your values.
It is very useful ie. when you download a big file - such as an *.ISO - and you want to check if it is the correct one. You can save your results to an external file; if takes too much time to check for a file you can stop the process when you want.
This software is freeware and it works on Win9x/2000/NT/XP/2003 systems and on Linux with Wine emulation.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this file compare software.