Automatically obtains the currently playing media from a playing source.MelScrobble is a sister project to MelScrobbleX on Mac OS X that runs on Windows. MelScrobble is a Melative Scrobbler for Anime and Music media types and allow to automatically obtain the currently playing media from a playing source and add it to the microblog message. Unlike RyanA's Melative Scrobbler, MelScrobble uses native ways to obtain the currently playing information from popular music players like Winamp, foobar2000 and iTunes with AMIP and Media Player Classic and does not rely on Music Player Daemon. This way, Windows users can obtain the currently playing media without going through the hoops and install mpd, cgywin and other packages.
MelScrobble Features:
1. Detection from any Audio Player (Grabs current track's track name, artist and album with the corresponding player it came from as the source)
2. Basic microblogging with music and anime mediatypes
3. Secure Login (Saves login as a cookie instead of saving the Username and Password)
4. Media Player Classic detection support
5. Ability to hide to tray with the ability to show/hide scrobble window at will
6. Automatic Scrobbling with Growl Notifications
7. Send Update to Twitter via Melative's Twitter Bridge
8. Image Uploading to Imgur
9. Update Checker
* NET Framework
* Melative account
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this audio utility software.