Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access

  • Rating:
  • Version: 6.0.0
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 7.04 MB
  • Date: Nov 30, 2014
  • License: Freeware
  • Category:
    Database Management
    Business & Finance
Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access Download
Free Download Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access 6.0.0

Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access is a tool to automate migration from Microsoft Access database(s) to SQL Server or SQL Azure. It lets you quickly convert Access database objects to SQL Server or SQL Azure objects, upload the resulting objects into SQL Server or SQL Azure, and migrate data from Access to SQL Server or SQL Azure. If it is necessary, you can also link Access tables to SQL Server or SQL Azure tables so that you can continue to use your existing Access front-end applications with SQL Server or SQL Azure.

After SSMA is installed and licensed, you can use SSMA to migrate Access databases to SQL Server or SQL Azure. It helps to become familiar with the SSMA user interface before you start.

To start a migration, create a new project, and then add Access databases to Access Metadata Explorer. You can then right-click objects in Access Metadata Explorer to do tasks such as export an inventory of Access database objects to SQL Server or SQL Azure, create reports that assess conversions to SQL Server or SQL Azure, and convert Access schemas to SQL Server or SQL Azure schemas. You can also do these tasks through the toolbars and menus.

Command Line Usage: SSMAforAccessConsole.exe
-s|script scriptfile
(required, XML file containing SSMA commands to be executed)
[-v|variable variablevaluefile]
(XML file containing values of parameter variables defined in the scriptfile)
[-c|serverconnection serverconnectionfile]
(XML file containing connection information for servers involved in the migration project)
[-l|log logfile]
(log file for logging SSMA activities)
[-e|projectenvironment projectenvironmentfolder]
(custom project environment settings folder)
[-x|xmloutput [xmloutputfile]]
(console output in XML format, if not specified output by default is in 'plain text' format)
[-p|-securePassword add|remove|list|import|export]
(password management, must be the only option in command line, type -p -? for more options)
[-?](show syntax summary)

1. Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 or a later version.
2. The Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or a later version. The .NET Framework version 2.0 is available on the SQL Server product media. You can also obtain it from the .NET Framework Developer Center Web site.
3. The ability to access the computer that hosts the target instance of SQL Server.
4. DAO provider version 12.0 or 14.0. You can install DAO provider from Microsoft Office 2010/2007 product or download it from Microsoft web site.
5. Microsoft SQL Server Native Client (SNAC) version 10.5 and above for migrating to SQL Azure. You can install SNAC from Microsoft SQL Server web site as part of SQL Server Feature Pack.

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this database management software.

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