OBJViewer reads, triangulates and displays 3D geometry from OBJ WaveFront files. OBJ is a text format for describing 3D models, it is supported as export from most widely-used 3D CAD studios like ScketchUp, 3DS Studio Max, DAZ Studio, SOFTIMAGE and many others. The program uses its own triangulation engine for reducing the faces to triangles. For closed surfaces it also calculate normals, if they are not ordered correctly, calculates volumes and surfaces. It also supports materials and textures readed from MTL files. The demo viewer is suitable for small and medium sized objects, comprised from up to one hundred thousand triangles. On the right, the viewer shows a tree with the object hierarchy and the separate meshes, they can be viewed with checking/unchecking the checkboxes next to them. Some geometry paramaters of the meshes are given in the data nodes of the tree. For drawings is used OpenGL.
The viewer is tested with import of OBJ files exported from SketchUp, DAZ Studio, Autodesk Maya and SOFTIMAGE.
OBJ Viewer Features:
Support of the OBJ Wavefront:
1. g defines object group
2. v defines a (x,y,z) point
3. f defines a v/vt/vn face
4. vt defines (u,v) texture coordinate
5. vn defines normal (vx,vy,vz) vector (not used!)
6. mtllib defines the library file with materials (.MTL)
7. newmtl defines new material
8. usemtl defines the current material
9. Ka defines ambient material color (rgb)
10. Kd defines diffuse material color (rgb)
11. Ks defines specular material color (rgb)
12. map_Kd defines texture image (bmp,jpg,png)
Face Triangulation:
1. Create trianglular mesh
2. Reduce all planar and simple polygon faces to triangles
3. Calculate normals
4. Reorder normals to point outside (for closed surfaces)
5. Calculate volumes and surfaces of closed surfaces
6. Keep texture coordinates
7. Translation and Scale of the model
1. Display object hierarchy
2. Draws triangles, textures, face and triangles edges
3. Draw Normals
4. Support Lights
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this 3d graphic software.