Java daemon to enquiry oracle database and send item to zabbix server. Check out monitor oracle instances with this application. Orabbix help you monitor oracle instances with zabbix, with this you are going to acquire data from every oracle instances that you want to monitor and then zabbix server is going to produce graphs and collect data.
What Orabbix actually keep under his control:
1. DBVersion (and relative validity of package)
2. Archive ( archive log production with relative trend)
3. EventWaits (monitor Files I/O,single block read, multiblock read, direct path read,SQLNet messages, Controlfile I/O,LogWrite)
4. HitRatio (monitor Hit Ratio on Trigger, Tables/Procedures, SQLArea,Body)
5. Logical I/O (monitor Logical I/O values of : Current Read, Consistent Read, Block Change)
6. PGA
7. SGA (in particolar: Fixed Buffer, Java Pool, Large Pool, Log Buffer,Shared Pool,Buffer Cache)
8. Physical I/O (Redo Writes,Datafiles Writes,Datafiles Read)
9. SharedPool (Pool Dictionary Cache, Pool Free Memory, Library Cache,Sql Area ,Misc.)
10. Pin Hit Ratio (monitor Hit Ratio on Trigger, Tables/Procedures, SQLArea,Body)
11. Session/Processes (monitor Sessions and processes)
12. Session (Active Session, Inactive Sessions, System Session)
For most of data collected are present some trigger that send mail for each trouble funded or performance problem. It’s incredibly useful to collect data and produce SLA or to have a workload history of your DB.
Orabbix Features:
1. can run on windows and on linux
2. use apache commono dbcp connection pool to connect to databases
3. use log4j for logging (so you can change log format as you need)
* Java
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this database management software.