Personal Finances Home
Track family budget with fantastic ease. Compares expenses with income flows and efficiently structures your budget. Personal Finances Home will help you to stop wasting and start saving your money.
Personal Finances is an elegant, super easy personal finance application for home users. With a glance at its summary view, reports and graphs, the user will gain deep insight into the financial health of the family budget, pinpoint areas of excessive expenditure and trim the budget. Featuring the scheduler, the program also enables you to track expected income, spending and see how much money you'll have at a future date.
Key Features:
1. Set up unlimited number of accounts
You can set up unlimited number of different accounts, including credit card, debit card, checking account, savings account and cash.
2. Enter current or scheduled transactions
You can enter current purchases and earnings, as well as scheduled transactions for recurring expense and income.
3. Enter frequent transaction with a click
You can enter frequent transaction very quickly using the QExpense option. Just select from the list of frequent transactions, such as car, cat food, cell phone, internet and Personal Finances will open the wizard where all fields will be filled out with data, such as account, amount, and category.
4. Define transactions with categories and tags
You can define transactions with categories, sub-categories, family members and tags. This will help you to see in great details where your money goes when you generate budget reports.
5. Review financial situation with reports
Pie and bar chart reports with percentages and totals will show income and spending across all budget categories, spending by family members and tags over a selected period.
6. Calendar
Calendar is very useful tool to view transactions grouped by days and accounts totals on each day in past and future including scheduled transactions.
7. Install the app onto the USB flash drive
You can install Personal Finances on the USB flash drive, which is convenient for users on the go. Once installed on the USB drive, the program lets you keep track of the purchases and earnings at all times and across different computers.
* 200 transactions maximum or 30-day trial period
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $29.95, you can free download and get a free trial.