Phone letters to digits
Transform your phone's letters into digits. Phone letters to digits converts phone numbers like 1 (800) Net-Zero to 1 (800) 638-9376 (usable digits) or 1-800-comcast to 1-800-2662278 or fuzzbox to 3899269. might be handy if you have a blackberry or other smartphone.
Phone letters to digits Features:
1. simple
2. converts phone letters to phone digits
3. supplements your smartphone (which usually has a qwerty keyboard instead of a dialpad)
4. buttons to copy results or original to clipboard
5. windows GUI and command-line apps (command-line apps for dos and Windows)
6. great if you type faster then you dial letter digits
phone is a program that converts phone letters to digits. for example, 1-800-Netzero to 1-800-6389376
the cmd-line\ directory contains the command-line version of phone.
the auto-it3\ directory is a windows NT-family program what requires UNICODE. phone.au3 is the source file. Phone should run under under Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8.
phone - convert phone letters into phone digits.
usage: phone [-?] [/h] [-h] [-v] [[number] number ...]
where number is a phone number that someone put letters into it.
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this phone software.