Portable Media Player Classic
Portable Media Player Classic is an application which belongs to versions of Windows Media Player 6.4.Although the looks may not show it, beneath its classic appearance lies an extremely powerful media player which can be configured in terms of keyboard commands, configure/reorder/disable codecs/filters etc. Window Media Player Classic is an enhanced version of Windows Media Player.
Although the looks may not show it, beneath its classic appearance lies an extremely powerful media player which can be configured in terms of keyboard commands, configure/reorder/disable codecs/filters etc. The best part about this program is the ability to modify the filters when playing your favorite video.
This project is based on the original "Media Player Classic" and was created after Gabest, the original author, stopped working on it. Many new player features have been integrated in this player, such as:
1. An option to remove Tearing
2. MPC Home Cinema in Your Language (see all languages)
3. Additional video decoders and in particular H.264 and VC-1 with DXVA support
4. Better support for Windows Vista, including a release for 64 bits platform
5. Support for EVR renderer
6. Bugs and vulnerability fixes
7. All previous features from the Guliverkli Project (MPC) from Gabest.
The Guliverkli Sourceforge Project Media Player Classic is originally coded by Gabest. The Guliverkli Media Player Classic is the litest Media Player for Windows that even runs on slower computers.
Guliverkli Media Player Classic - MPC
There is the new updated Media Player based on the Guliverkli MPC by Gabest. As the original author Gabest have stopped developing the MPC player, we have continued to work on the Guliverkli project by Gabest to create the HomeCinema version. The original author Gabest has stopped releasing updates to the MPC Guliverkli MPC since 2006 so we continued the Guliverkli project under the name of Home Cinema including many bug fixes and 64 bit support.
Guliverkli Features
The Guliverkli MPC by Gabest mimics the look and feel of the old, light-weight Windows Media Player 6.4 but in the Guliverkli project is integrated most options and features found in modern media players. The Guliverkli MPC was developed by Gabest as a closed-source application, but later re licensed as free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License. GPL violations of Guliverkli MPC code were reported by Gabest. In April 2005, Gabest claimed that two media players, namely VX30 and The KMPlayer, have violated the General Public License (GPL) by using portions of Media Player Classic Guliverkli source code. Maui X-Stream, the distributor of VX30, which was previously accused of GPL violations with its CherryOS software, have made no comment on the matter. However, the The KMPlayer authors have published an official comment on their own forum that denies the alleged GPL violation by Gabest.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this media player software.