Quick View Plus
Quick View Plus lets you view virtually any file or email attachment you need instantly - there's no need to have the native application installed. You get immediate access to information while slashing your software licensing expenses. Lets you view all the files and email attachments you need, instantly.
1. Maintains Original Formatting
Quick View Plus maintains the formatting of the original documents, allowing you to see the content as it was originally created.
2. Email and Web Browser Integration
Quick View Plus integrates with popular browsers and e-mail applications, allowing these programs to seamlessly view file formats they do not support.
3. Browse Files with Ease
The Quick View Plus viewing environment provides two-pane navigation, allowing users to quickly navigate through their file system and use the same Quick View Plus window to view any files they choose. The file navigation panes can be oriented in either a left-hand or top attachment manner.
4. Built-In Zip Capabilities
Not only can Quick View Plus view the contents within a .zip file, it can also create them. This can save your organization the expense or hassle dealing with a separate program to create or open .zip files.
5. Quickly Copy, Paste and Print
All or a portion of any viewed file can be copied and then pasted into an application. Quick View Plus is the fast way to view and print all or part of one or multiple file. You can even print files without viewing them.
6. Need Even More Advanced File Viewing Features
Quick View Plus Professional Edition's additional features include metadata view, advanced search, command-line integration with third-party applications, and Microsoft Project Gantt chart support. It's the leading choice for legal case management, litigation support, eDiscovery, computer forensics and advanced enterprise and government file viewing requirements.
Then take a look at Quick View Plus 11 Professional Edition, the leading choice for legal case management, litigation support, eDiscovery, computer forensics and advanced enterprise and government file viewing requirements. Quick View Plus Professional Edition adds extended features to Quick View Plus 11 Standard Edition, including metadata viewing and search, command-line integration with third-party applications and Microsoft Project Gantt chart viewing support.
Product Comparison:
1. Use in conjunction with 3rd party applications (Pro Edition)
2. Microsoft Project Gantt chart support (Pro Edition)
3. Ability to run from command line (Pro Edition)
4. Metadata view (Pro Edition)
5. 'Auto Search' option (Pro Edition)
6. Formats supported 300+
7. Microsoft Office 2010 support
8. Microsoft Windows 7 support
9. Quick Compress
10. Deployment options availabl
Enhanced Features
1. Updated MIME content types. Quick View Plus will now support Microsoft Outlook (.MSG), Microsoft Express E-mail (.EML) and TIFFs (.TIFF and .TIF).
2. E-mail header view (The e-mail header is displayed at the top in grey and is separated from the body of the message by a line. The To: and CC: fields are expandable and collapsible by clicking on a plus or minus sign respectively.) Only available in draft and normal view modes within Quick View Plus.
Quick View Plus 11 integrates with the following third party applications:
1. Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.x, 6.x, 7, 8 and 9
2. Corel WordPerfect Suite 9 and 10
3. Lotus cc:Mail 8.5
4. Lotus Notes 6.5.x and 7.0
5. Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, 6.0, 7.0 and 8
6. Microsoft Outlook 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2007
7. Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0, 5.5, and 6.0
8. Mozilla Firefox Browser 1.5, 2 and 3.5
9. SoftSource DWG Plug-in 3.4
10. SoftSource SVF Plug-in 1.8
11. Windows Explorer
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $49.00, you can free download and get a free trial.