Route Generator
Route Generator is a free tool to draw routes on a map and generate a movie from it. This movie can be imported in your video editing software (e.g. Pinnacle Studio), so you can add it to your own movies. Draw routes on a map with this software.
You can open an image file from an existing map or import a map from Google Maps (see below). For the best results, the size of the map should be the same as the resolution of the movie in which you want to place the final route movie (e.g. 768 x 576 for standard DVD or 1920 1080 for full HD). Route Generator can use any format and does not check this, so you should find out what the best format is you want to use. The easiest way is to grab a frame of a map you filmed with your camera, save it as BMP file and use that image as a map background. Or check the size of the screenshot and create an image yourself, with the same size.
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this video utility software.