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  • File Size: 51.61 KB
  • Date: Jul 09, 2010
  • License: Freeware
  • Category:
    File Management
    File & Disk
SFDT Download
Free Download SFDT

Set file date and time. Works on creation and/or modify and/or access date/time. SFDT is a Windows console program that allow you to quickly change the file date and time (last access, creation and modify) also on a group of files.

Using SFDT
You should start SFDT from command prompt or from another program or batch.

Command Line Options
SFDT supports the following command-line options:

usage: SFDT [filename] | [/f:dirname>] [[/s:filename] [/e:filename]] [/d:mm-dd-yyyy] [/t:hh:mm:ss] [/a] [/c] [/m] [/r] [/v]
filename File(s) where you wish to change the date and or time (wild chars are allowed).
/f:dirname Folder that holds files where you wish to change the date and or time.
/s:filename Change the date and/or time starting from filename (inclusive).
/e:filename Change the date and/or time ending with filename (inclusive).
/d:mm-dd-yyyy Date to set.
/t:hh:mm:ss Time to set.
/a Change the file last access date and/or time.
/c Change the file creation date and/or time.
/m Change the file last modify date and/or time.
/r Recurse into sub folder(s).
/p Probe which file(s) will be changed (Test mode), this also activate the -v flag.
/v Activate verbose mode (display some additional information).
/? Displays command-line usage (this help).
/h Displays command-line usage (this help).

If you run SFDTwithout any parameter you get the above help.

Return Value
SFDT fails the return value is non-zero otherwise the return value is zero.

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this file management software.

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