Create some well known numeric sequences. Series is a Windows console program that let you to quickly create and display some of interesting and well know numeric sequences.
Using Series
You should start Series from command prompt or from another program or batch.
Command Line Options
Series supports the following command-line options:
usage: Series name [cycles] [/l] [/? | /h]
name: Is the name of numeric sequence requiered, it can be one of following:
BINary Sequence of integers expressed in binary
CUBe Sequence of cubes of integers
DECimal Sequence of integers
EVEn Sequence of even integers
FIBonacci Sequence Fibonacci numbers F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)
FIRst Sequence of prime numbers
HEXadecimal Sequence of integers expressed in exadecimal
NOTFirst Sequence of not prime numbers
OCTal Sequence of integers expressed in octal
ODD Sequence of even integers
PROduct Sequence of product F(n) = F(n-1) * F(n-2)
PUReSquareRoot Sequence of square root
QUArtic Sequence of quartics of integers
QUIntic Sequence of quintics of integers
RANdom Sequence of random float numbers from 0 to 1
RECiproc Sequence of reciproc numbers
ROMan Sequence of integers expressed in roman
ROOtSquare Sequence of square roots of integers
SQUare Sequence of squares of integers
cycles Is the maximum number of cycles used for calculating the sequence.
/l Display the line number before the n-th value of serie.
/? Displays command-line usage (this help).
/h Displays command-line usage (this help).
Series fib 10 /l
You can abbreviate the NAME parameter using at least the first three characters of sequence's name.
Due some architectural limitation each sequence have a hard coded internal limit that can break the sequence generations before that the CYCLES limit has reach.
Return Value
Series always returns zero.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this cad software.