Simple Barcode Filing

  • Rating:
  • Version: 4.5
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 40.74 MB
  • Date: Nov 15, 2010
  • Price: $795.00
  • License: Free Trial Software
  • Category:
    Office Suite
Simple Barcode Filing Download
Free Download Simple Barcode Filing 4.5

Simple Barcode Filer a simple to use program that renames scanned files by a barcode's contents, making it ideal as a capture tool to incorporate documents into and existing database.

Simple Barcode Filer can be used to mimic a paper filing system and is designed to work with a copier's scan to file option or a medium production scanner. The program will read up to two barcodes on a document and use the barcode's contents to move and name the file with the output file being either a Tiff image or a PDF.

The program is ideal for any kind of structured document such as invoices, work orders, purchase orders, loan files, personnel records, delivery tickets etc. where each document has a unique identifier. The identifier can be anything that is unique to the record such as a check number, invoice number, employee number, or loan number. Simple Barcode Filing will read that number and file the document by that number. If a second barcode is available it will use the second barcode to create a bookmark in a pdf, allowing the user to go directly to the document section they are looking for in a master document. Or the barcodes can be used to create a two tier filing structure. Such as an employee folder with all of the employee's documents in their folder.

Simple Barcode Filer also creates a CSV file and has the ability to trigger an action when the files in a folder have been processed. This allows the user to provide a method of transferring the output files to an existing database.

Simple Barcode Filing Features:
1. Reads Code 39, Code 93, Interleaved 2 of 5, EAHN13, and Code 128 Barcodes
2. Reads two barcodes for structured filing
3. Renames files and folders barcode contents
4. It can use a database lookup to transform customer numbers into account names in output
5. Triggers a process to update a database
6. Separates files when a barcode is found
7. Processes G4 and LZW compressed tiffs allowing for color output
8. Creates a CSV files for easy importation of files into a database
9. Allows the use of cover pages for indexing that can be automatically dropped from the output file

Understanding Simple Barcode Filing

Simple Barcode Filing uses "Jobs" to process files. The "Job" contains the location of the files to be processed, the location of the bar codes on the image and how to process the file. Each input folder needs to have a "Job" associated with it.

When processing Simple Barcode Filer cycles through the files that contain Job information. The program checks to see if there are any images in the input folder specified in the Job file. If there is no files it moves onto the next Job and looks in it's input folder.

If there is an image in the input folder the program looks for a barcode definition file that matches the Job. This file instructs the software where to look for barcodes on the document.

The Job file also contains the output path for the processed file and how to move and name the file based on the barcodes read.

Therefore if the goal is to handle Checks, Deposits, and Manually Written Checks; there needs to be an input file folder for each document type and a "Job" that is associated with the input folder. The same output folder can be used for some document types. For instance if the user has barcodes on check stubs they would be processed one way and when Manually Written Check are processed the same output folder would be used to keep all checks together.

The program uses a dash "-" as a file name separator. Because of this if a dash is desired in the barcode contents it will be handled as up until the first barcode will be considered the value of barcode one.

So if a barcode one was to contain 123-456 and the second 789 the results would be 123-456-789 if barcode one and two were to be used as a file name. However, if using folder output the results would be \123\456-789.

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $795.00, you can free download and get a free trial.

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