Stored Procedure Generator

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  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 12.92 MB
  • Date: Feb 01, 2011
  • Price: $100.00
  • License: Free Trial Software
  • Category:
    Database Management
    Business & Finance
Stored Procedure Generator Download
Free Download Stored Procedure Generator

Creates 30 types of CRUD SP with JOIN & much more. Stored Procedure Generator supports Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008. It generates 30 types of stored procedures. It has very strong features like error handling, transaction commit & rollback, concurrency validation, joined sp generation, auto selection of join, etc.

Stored procedures provide the ability to perform some action against a database and have some advantages to query data from an application. First and foremost, it reduces the amount of redundancy and has a performance gain when multiple calls are executed.

Stored Procedure Generator Features:
1. General Features
2. 30 types of SPs can be generated
3. Save & reload project
4. Various options for SP body formatting
5. Flexible SP naming convention
6. SQL Server 2000,2005,2008 compatible
7. Various SP generation options like generate SP in single file, table wise files, operation wise files
8. Paging SP generation like select paging, select first record, select previous record, select next record, select last record
9. Recursive SP generation like select in hierarchy for SQL server 2005 and higher version
10. Support for dynamic SPs like SelectByWhereConditionOrderBy
11. Quick SP generation of Insert, UpdateByPK, DeleteByPK, SelectByPK, SelectAll, SelectViewByPK, SelectComboBox SP...
12. Shortcut in SQL server for quick access

Select SP Features
1. Joined SP generation
2. Auto selection of join type (left outer join, inner join)
3. Table wise foreign key column selection on which you want to perform join
4. Table wise column selection which you want to display when that particular table is referenced.
5. Table wise column selection for order by clause
6. Operator selection based on column data type for SelectByColumnName SP like between operator for datetime data type, like operator for string data types.

Insert/Update/Delete SP Features
1. Error logging
2. Concurrency validation based on selected columns in update, delete sp
3. Error handling with & without try - catch
4. Transaction Commit - Rollback
5. Various options to set primary key value
6. Various options to return primary key value
7. Various options for column default assignment
8. Time logging for SP execution

Stored Procedure Generator is a powerful tool designed for developers and is entirely built in C#.NET 2.0. This tool looks interesting for developers who develop and build information systems, web applications, or windows programmers who create compelling stored procedures. Generating these stored procedures is exactly what Stored Procedure Generator does on behalf of you.

* Allows to generate stored procedure for the tables having less than 25 columns

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $100.00, you can free download and get a free trial.

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