Sylli is a universal syllabifier. Developed for Italian, it can easily be adapted to any language that is claimed to respect the SSP. Sylli divides timit, strings, files and directories into syllables and provides other useful function for syllable. Divide italian phonematic sequences with this tool.
1. Linguistics
2. Syllable
3. Syllabification
4. SSP
5. NLP
6. Syllabifier
Sylli divides timit, strings, files and entire directories into syllables and provides other useful function for syllable analysis. Sylli was originally intended to be used with CLIPS (a corpus of spoken Italian) and NLTK (see references), but can be used on any TIMIT file, string, and with some changes languages and ASCII alphabet(default setting uses xSampa and syllabify Italian).
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this word processing software.