The LionSnake Modeler
The LionSnake Modeler is designed for creating posable subdivision surface models for use with the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer, but you can also use it for editing Alias/Wavefront mesh files. It is for creating subdivision surface models for use with the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer.
The LionSnake Modeler Features:
1. Posable models - The models can be built around a linked skeleton
2. UV-mapping - You can create uv-mapped meshes
3. POV-Ray Export - The models can be exported to an include file readable by the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer. The files are designed to work with my New Surface Subdivision Suite to produce smooth, organic shapes
4. OBJ file export - The modeler can export Alias/Wavefront OBJ files
5. OpenGL for rendering - I would have used DirectX, but Microsoft made DirectX more difficult to program than was necessary
* OpenGL
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this 3d graphic software.