Thingumajig is a audio plugin, a virtual digialog noise generating thingumajig. A virtual digialog noise generating thingumajig. It can be set to sync with your VST Host or set to free run.
Thingumajig contains five oscillating thingamabobs: three rythmic thingamabobs, one clicky thingamabob, and one semi-melodic thingamabob.
Thingumajig Features:
1. Thingumajig is a virtual digialog noise generating thingumajig.
2. Thingumajig can be set to sync with your VST Host or set to free run.
3. Thingumajig contains five oscillating thingamabobs: three rythmic thingamabobs, one clicky thingamabob, and one semi-melodic thingamabob.
4. Three modifier doohickeys that control various whatchamacallits.
5. Three ADSRs with emphasis that control various whatchamacallits of the oscillating thingamabobs.
6. Three rows of blinkies with flow controls.
7. Three doodads that reduce certain oscillating thingamabobs without affecting other vibrations passing through it.
8. Three sync delay doodads.
9. A randomly controllable S&H gilhickie.
10. 4 Mini-Style buttons.
11. Rows of sliding and rotating thingies.
12. Pretty light-emitting diodes.
* VST Host
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this audio utility software.