TimeOne can remember and to keep track of important events, it allows you to create a list of important events and displays the remaining time.
1. Dates:
Dates could be any dates in the past (from January 1st, 1800) or any date in the future (till December 31st, 2200). TimeOne calculates and displays the time elapsed for past dates and time remaining for future dates.
2. Yearly Events:
Yearly Events can be any given date (day & month) in a year. TimeOne calculates and displays the time remaining for any given date and time in a year.
3. Display Frame:
Displays the time remaining or elapsed for a date/time selected from the calendar or for any dates and times. The Display Frame background color will change based on the type of date selected (Dates/Yearly events). Red: Past Dates; Blue: Future Dated; Green: Yearly Events (recurring every year)
4. Grid:
Shows the Dates and time based on your selection from the list (on the left hand side). If the Dates group or any of its child nodes is selected from this list, then the grid will show all Dates. The same applies to Yearly events. If Yearly events group or any of its child nodes is selected from this list, then the grid will show all Yearly Events.
5. Dates Description
You can change directly only the description of any date/time. TimeOne allows you to choose a description of your choice when you save a date/time and you can also rename it anytime you want by pressing on the Rename button from the control panel or by pressing the F2 button or by simply clicking on any cell under the "Description" column.
6. Deleting Dates
You can delete a date by selecting the date from the grid and then pressing on the delete button from the control panel or from the toolbar or from the "Edit" menu.
7. Updating Dates
Updating a date will replace the existing date and time for the selected date in the grid to the current date and time in the calendar and the time picker. To update a date, press on the Update button in the control panel or from the toolbar or from the "Edit" menu.
Selecting and saving dates:
1. Selecting
First select the type of date and time from the list on the top left corner. If Dates group or any of its child nodes is selected from this list, then the text "Dates" will appear on the control panel and any selected date and time will be treated as a Saved Date type. If Yearly Events group or any of its child nodes is selected from this list, then the text "Yearly events" will appear on the control panel and any selected date and time will be treated as a Yearly Events type.
2. Saving
Saving a date will create a row in the grid with the selected date and time from the calendar and the time picker. The user will be prompt to change the default description of the added date.
3. Saving current
The "Save Current" button saves the current date and time as a new date. The current date and time is constantly updated in the "Current" pallet close to the right bottom corner of the screen.
Two Points Difference
Calculates the difference between two points in time, in days, hours, minutes and seconds.
1. Continuous Tracking: If selected, will continue the count after a future date has expired and became a past date and start to count for the time elapsed for that date. If not selected, the count will stop when a future date expires.
2. Open in Start-up: If selected, TimeOne will open automatically when you start your computer.
3. On Top of all programs: If selected, TimeOne will show on top of any other opened program only when it is in compact view.
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