UBCopy is a file copy tool written in 100% managed code. What makes it different is its speed. While not as fast as a native application written in C or C++ it is very close. This was put together as a proof of concept initially to prove that you can get some performance from managed code and file I/O. Now includes the ability to do mult-threaded file copy with a configurable setting on what is a small file minimum small file size is 1 megabyte.
Usage: UBCopy [OPTIONS]
copy files using unbuffered IO and asyncronus buffers
-s, --sourcefile[=VALUE] The file you wish to copy
-d, --destinationfile[=VALUE] The target file you wish to write
-o, --overwritedestination[=VALUE] True if you want to overwrite the destination file if it exists
-c, --checksum[=VALUE] True if you want use SHA1 to verify the destination file is the same as the source file
-b, --buffersize[=VALUE] size in Megabytes, maximum of 32
-r, --reportprogress[=VALUE] True give a visual indicator of the copy progress
-?, -h, --help show this message and exit
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this file management software.