UUID Factory
UUID Factory tworzy globalnie unikatowe identyfikatory (GUID), a tak e wylicza skr ty informacji tekstowych oraz plik w. Umo liwia r wnie zmian nazwy plik w korzystaj c z tych warto ci. Generates GUIDs and data hashes.
The GUID is a 128-bit value is usually represented in hexadecimal format in five blocks of text separated by a hyphen in brackets. The number of possible variants is so large (2 128 ) that the chance of two identical production value is extremely small (if we generate milard identifiers per second for a year then the probability of a duplicate will be 50%). The GUID term also refers to the implementation of this standard UUID (universal unique identifier) ​​from Microsoft.
UUID Factory allows you to generate a number of global IDs in one run. To do this, select the format and number. You can also change the file name, giving it a name ID (if you did not choose from the list, the ID is created).
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this file management software.