- Rating:
- Version:
- Publisher:
lis.tut.su - File Size: 120.55 KB
- Date: Apr 02, 2010
- License: Freeware
- Category:
Video Editing Software
Video & DVD
VTCage is a timeline based video editing software. Video editing software application for non-linear video editing. It can handle many video and audio tracks, with multiple effects and transitions. This program allows the user to instantly preview edits made to the timeline.
Video Effects:
* Additive Surface
* Alpha
* BasicImage
* Blur
* Chroma
* DropShadow
* DxtAlphaSetter Class
* Emboss
* Engrave
* Fade
* Glow
* Matrix
* Microsoft Movie Maker Age Filter
* Microsoft MovieMaker Fade In Fade Out
* MotionBlur
* Movie Maker Video Adjustment
* NDFXArtEffects
* Pixelate
* Shadow
* Wave
Video Transitions:
* Barn
* Blinds
* CheckerBoard
* Compositor
* DxtCompositor Class
* DxtJpeg Class (SMPTE Wipe)
* DxtKey Class
* GradientWipe
* Inset
* Iris
* Pixelate
* RadialWipe
* RandomBars
* RandomDissolve
* Slide
* Spiral
* Stretch
* Strips
* Wheel
* Wipe (DirectX Media)
* ZigZag
* DirectX 8 or higher
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this video editing software.