Watch 4 Folder

  • Rating:
  • Version: 2.5.1
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 2.13 MB
  • Date: Aug 28, 2013
  • Price: $4.99
  • License: Free Trial Software
  • Category:
    System Monitor
    Antivirus & Security
Watch 4 Folder Download
Free Download Watch 4 Folder 2.5.1

Watch 4 Folder can ,onitor folders and files activities. Watch 4 Folder is a simple to use monitoring tool to monitor folders and files activities.
It is a small, portable and simple to use utility.

How to use:
Watch 4 Folder is a portable application, there is no install process, just unzip the file to any folder and run it.

Using Watch 4 Folder, like all other LeeLu Soft programs, is very simple.
There are four steps To start a monitoring process:
1. Select from the top shell list view the folder or the device you want to monitor, if you want to monitor sub folders also, check the "Watch sub folders" checkbox.
2. Select the monitoring events you want to monitor, the available monitoring events are:
- File create
- File Delete
- File Change
- File Rename
- Association Change
- Free Space change
- Folder Create
- Folder Delete
- Folder Rename
- Folder Change
- Media Insert
- Media Remove

pay attention, a single event can create several Monitoring events, for example selecting File Change event and File Rename event will create two events in case of file rename, because the file was renamed but also changed.
So it is better to select specific events or general event but not both.

3. Select the actions on event, this is an optional step, here you can select the actions to take in case of an event, the available actions are:
- Execute a program or batch file when event occurs, you should browse and select or enter the full path to the executable or batch file.

- Write to a log file will automatically write a line to the log file when event occurs, you have to browse and create or enter the full path and file name for the log file, if the file doesn't exists it will be created, if the file exists the new lines will append to the end of the existing file, the log file is in a text format (*.txt).

- Popup a message will pop up a message to the desktop when event occurs.

4. The last step is to click Start Monitoring, at this point you can watch the live log running at the bottom of the application or you can click on the "Tray" button to minimize the monitor to the system tray.
A click on the Watch 4 Folder icon on the system tray will restore the application to the desktop.

If you didn't select to write to a log file and you still want to save the log, just select all the text from the Live Watch window, copy and paste to where you want.

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $4.99, you can free download and get a free trial.

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